I will want to start by wishing you all a merry xmas and a happy new year in perspective!

However, the major reason for this article is to give a little advise as regards the new year and how we should face the pending economic crises.

I will want to say that we should not be deceived by the fact that this crises will not get to Nigeria but what should be different is our approach to it. Or how else can you explain the fact that banks are no longer giving loans to customers or the several bonanzas that banks are organizing like save so much and win so much or keep so much in your account and win so much…

Very quickly, I will want to remind us of the fact that the same flood that destroyed the whole earth was the same that kept the ark of Noah floating. However, we should realize that Noah exercised obedience, patience and GREAT preparation to ensure that was the case.

My plea is for everyone of us to start preparing towards this event. Whatever income flows into your hands should not be spent buying, dining and wining. Begin to strategise how to take hold of opportunities during this period.


God is not unrighteous to forget our labour of love; be positive, be optimistic and be hopeful. I see us coming out of this stronger than we can ever imagine. Hold on to the Lord ‘cos no amount of planning can outweigh the indispensable guidiance from the Him.

Nigeria will flourish again!!!

I am the author of Scaling for Success: Empowering African SMEs. I am a Partner at Sahel Capital, a food and agriculture-focused private investment firm in Sub-Saharan Africa. Sahel Capital manages the Fund for Agriculture Financing in Nigeria (FAFIN) and the Social Enterprise Fund for Agriculture in Africa (SEFAA).

I co-lead SEFAA, an impact-first fund investing in agribusinesses that provide direct or indirect benefits to smallholder farmers across 13 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. I also lead investments and portfolio management for SEFAA and manage FAFIN portfolios, two of which were recently exited. I am a director on the board of one of the portfolio companies and serve in advisory roles for several startups and SMEs.

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