Job Searching – On a lighter note!



One of the things you’d be thinking of mid-way into your MBA program will be getting the dream job – if such exists – you’ve always wanted. The above picture, which I got from a colleague on FB,  describes a very funny way to figure out what job suits you. In the last couple of weeks, we have been getting some emails from the career services of INSEAD to do some career assessment test to help identify what industries and career interests best suits us. Well, this also serves as some form of career assessment tool. Let me know what job suits you from this assessment. In case you want to know, mine was actually an ‘accountant’ – strange as that sounds!

I am the author of Scaling for Success: Empowering African SMEs. I am a Partner at Sahel Capital, a food and agriculture-focused private investment firm in Sub-Saharan Africa. Sahel Capital manages the Fund for Agriculture Financing in Nigeria (FAFIN) and the Social Enterprise Fund for Agriculture in Africa (SEFAA).

I co-lead SEFAA, an impact-first fund investing in agribusinesses that provide direct or indirect benefits to smallholder farmers across 13 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. I also lead investments and portfolio management for SEFAA and manage FAFIN portfolios, two of which were recently exited. I am a director on the board of one of the portfolio companies and serve in advisory roles for several startups and SMEs.

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