Adedeji Adebusoye

I am the author of Scaling for Success: Empowering African SMEs. I am a Partner at Sahel Capital, a food and agriculture-focused private investment firm in Sub-Saharan Africa. Sahel Capital manages the Fund for Agriculture Financing in Nigeria (FAFIN) and the Social Enterprise Fund for Agriculture in Africa (SEFAA). I co-lead SEFAA, an impact-first fund investing in agribusinesses that provide direct or indirect benefits to smallholder farmers across 13 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. I also lead investments and portfolio management for SEFAA and manage FAFIN portfolios, two of which were recently exited. I am a director on the board of one of the portfolio companies and serve in advisory roles for several startups and SMEs.

Technology meets Agriculture: Digital revolution in the industry

Anyone who knows me well will not doubt my passion for technology. When you think technology in the context of agriculture, several people will readily think of the farm machinery, irrigation equipment and probably even inputs such as improved seeds, fertilizers, chemical protection, etc. However, I am thinking differently now, especially for those who think

Technology meets Agriculture: Digital revolution in the industry Read More »

Jobs on Farms

There was a time in Nigeria when every young graduate wanted to work with an oil and gas firm. Not because of the work to be done but because of the money to be made. Few got the opportunity to walk that path while most did not even get close to it. Then the trend

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AgInvestment Guide #1 – Breaking some myths about agricultural investments (Part 1)

I thought it would be ideal to start the series by first dispelling some myths about investing in the agriculture space. I expect that if you are reading this, you are interested in investing some of your hard-earned income or time into agriculture. If you are financially savvy, you would also want to compare the

AgInvestment Guide #1 – Breaking some myths about agricultural investments (Part 1) Read More »

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